Solidity basics (Remix)

Easy Medium Hard
What is solidity, what are contracts?
Solidity builds, abis, binaries and EVM
Storing state, variables, types, visibility (public, private), loops
array, structs, mappings
require, modifiers, Ownable contract
Interfaces and CPIs
Gas optimisations
Native payment support
abis, bytecode
Sepolia test network, airdrop yourself some tokens, contract deployment

Solidity advance

Intro to ganache, truffle, Foundry
Writing contracts in Foundry, setting up, testing a project locally
Testing contract locally, deploying using Fourndry
Gas optimisations
Proxy contracts
Upgradable contracts

Writing contracts in Solidity

Eays medium hard
ERC20, ERC 720 proxy contracts
marketplace contract
DEX, AMM and liquidity pools, constant product algorithm
Exploring OpenZeppelin contracts
Staking in leiu of tokens

Rust basics

Easy Medium Hard
Installing rust, IDE Setup
Variables, data types, loops, functions, struct
enums, pattern matching,
package management (packages, crates, modules),
Memory management
referencing and borrowing
Options, Errors, Error Handling

Rust advance

Easy Medium Hard
async await syntax
Multi threading, concurrency

Programs on Solana

easy medium hard
Programs in solana
Accounts vs programs vs instructions, Owners Decoding a transaction on solana
Programs vs. Smart Contract Data model on Solana, PDAs, bump
Writing a simple raw program in solana.
Token program , ATA, metadata program, metaplex
Anchor vs raw programs
web2 like program
Staking program

Web2 + Web3

easy medium hard
Private key management on a server. Shamir secrets
Indexing blockchains
Transaction parsing, Logs and indexed parameters
Sweeping wallets, new wallet creation logic


Creating a crypto payment gateway (web3 stripe)

Creating a Centralized exchange / Creating a crypto gambling website